ART Mini Courses
Mini Courses are taking a break!
A huge thank you to those of you who have participated in our mini courses these past couple of years – it has been such a rich and meaningful journey. We are taking a break from mini courses this year to focus our efforts on expanding our core offerings, but feel free to reach out to our facilitators directly if you’d like to inquire about their personal offerings related to these topics.
We’re not yet sure if mini courses will be back, so we encourage you to check out what the facilitators are up to now and how you can explore the world of authentic dating, shadow work and internal family systems!

The ART of Authentic Dating
The dating world can be a tricky minefield for singles to navigate, rife with suppressed truths, discriminating judgments, and fears of being rejected. Yet the relational tone that singles strike with each other at the point of first meeting and engaging can have long-lasting consequences for both people.
Authentic relating has enormous applications for the singles and dating world. Those who have learned the skills and tools of AR have access to a vast and beautiful landscape of meaningful connection, by knowing how to reveal their authentic experience, practice curiosity as a doorway to profound intimacy, set context that can transform any moment into aliveness and joy, and generally have people feeling deeply seen and heard.
Want to learn more? Senior Course Leader Ryel Kestano offers one-on-one coaching for singles (and couples!) and is currently collaborating to bring authentic relating to the matchmaking world and beyond. Reach out to Ryel below or sign up for our dating email list in case The ART of Authentic Dating returns to the ART world!

Shadow Academy
Carl Jung referred to the part of ourselves that we unconsciously act from, often creating repeating loops and reoccurring struggle, as the shadow self. This shadow self is that which we deny, distort or repress within ourselves, yet is alive and active in our everyday lives.
Though we may effort to keep these parts of ourselves separate from our identity – they nevertheless are–leaving us unable to welcome and integrate ourselves into wholeness. The existence of Shadow can be acknowledged as simply human. Our Shadow, our unconscious and patterned reactions were likely developed in order to serve and protect us, often in direct response to pain, hardship or trauma.
But what if some of our strategies no longer best serve us?
What does it look like to make more conscious decisions – responding instead of reacting to life?
Shadow Academy is designed to help answer these questions, and to make the daunting task of shadow work more approachable, effective, and immediately rewarding. And we are pleased to inform you that Shadow Academy is still alive and well, and is now being hosted on Course Leader Ash Witham’s personal website. Click the button below to find out more.

The ART of Internal Family Systems (IFS)
In the IFS model, we use authentic relating to be with and get curious about the many different parts of ourselves. Just as we choose to do with others when we are seeking a greater sense of connection, we can slow down and really “get the world” of one of our parts, without judgment or any agenda to fix, correct, or solve. And through this “being with”, we can listen – listen to what the part has been trying to share with us…. perhaps for a very long time.
The IFS paradigm has given us a new language to understand our inner parts, it has opened up the possibility of looking at our inner system with compassion and understanding, and has allowed us to create space for our truest self to emerge.
Authentic Relating has given us a new language to connect deeper with others and ourselves, bring more awareness into our own experience and gave us the tools to welcome what arises.
Are you curious? Reach out to IFS facilitator Yaniv Rose below to inquire about one-on-one coaching, couples coaching, group workshops and more.