ART's Authentic Relating Certified Facilitators

ART's Authentic Relating Certified Facilitators

Congratulations to the following graduates of our Level 4 Authentic Relating Certified Facilitator Program. These individuals have excelled in our training program and ART recognizes them as fully qualified and globally recognized to create, lead and facilitate Authentic Relating Experiences for the public.

Drew Lawson

Drawing from teachings and practices that include rites of passage, martial arts, Sexological Bodywork, tantra hatha yoga and free-diving, Drew has been offering coaching and trainings in embodied well-being for the last 15 years. He has been a facilitator for ART International since Spring 2019, and currently lives in West London, UK. Learn more about Drew and his work in the world:


Keith is known for his heartfelt and fiery leadership style. His passions are intimacy, human connection, and the exploration of mind and consciousness. These passions have guided Keith around the world, synthesizing his background in business and technology with eastern wisdom and mystical traditions. Investing over a decade of practice into Zen Buddhism, Tantric Shaivism, Classical Yoga, and Sacred Sexuality, Keith is an authority on remaining grounded in wisdom, presence, and service without sacrificing the joys of daily life.
Keith has impacted thousands of students worldwide, teaching yoga, meditation and facilitating communication, masculinity, and holistic healing workshops. He is grateful to serve as an ART course leader and is actively involved in ART’s sister nonprofit, fostering and empowering human connection for incarcerated people. He currently resides at a Zen Monastery in Crestone, Colorado.


Adriana is a wellbeing consultant with over 15 years experience as a therapist, lecturer, and educational adviser empowering organisations and individuals establishing healthy life styles and nourishing relationships worldwide. Drawing from her scientific and spiritual studies, Adriana regularly designs transformational curriculums focused on executive leadership, culture transformation and women’s sovereignty. Authentic Relating is her favourite coaching disciplines and she co-founded the ART Leadership Institute, ART’s sister organisation dedicated to bring these technologies into the heart of professional and corporate workspaces.  Presently, Adriana is focusing in expanding our community in the Portuguese & Spanish speaking countries.  She is a mother, a kundalini yoga teacher and flourishes in multi-cultural environments.


Pauline has always been deeply curious about how humans communicate with each other, especially through tough conversations. She sees conflict as an ally and a potent mirror, providing infinite opportunity for growth and connection. This curiosity has led her to become a mediator and ultimately brought her to Authentic Relating. She now guides organizations and individuals through times of transformation, dedicated to facilitate meaningful and lasting change. Pauline lives, loves and dances in Berlin, Germany.


Sheri believes that the meaning of life is to find our gift, and our purpose is to give it away. After years of eagerly searching for her elusive “purpose”, it took a radical life shift that dismantled her foundation to discover who she is and why she’s here. Incorporating ART’s 5 practices into her life, brought her back home to herself. Sheri stands for radical self-expression and has long identified her values as integrity, camaraderie, creativity, and authenticity. She is a trained Conflict Resolution Mediator and volunteers with Realness Project in Colorado to bring Authentic Relating Leadership practices to inmates in prison. In her spare time, she amplifies the voices of other spiritual leaders and changemakers through her brand, Pink Noise. She recently moved back to Victoria, BC where she grew up, and speaks as a New Thought Minister at Victoria Truth Centre.


Vix is a certified somatic coach and authentic relating facilitator. Her work is grounded in nervous system resourcing and regulation to help people connect to the medicine of their rhythms and cycles. She is committed to helping people to embody their innate wisdom and power, reconnecting them with their natural flow, intelligence and creativity.
A former military officer, she is now an advocate for using the principles of embodiment, cyclical living and authentic relating to help rebel perfectionists manage their energy and emotions to bravely build more sustainable and authentic ways of being.
She’s also a recovering perfectionist. 
Learn more about Vix’s work at


Yaniv has a big part that is struggling to write anything about himself. He has parts that really want whoever is reading this to feel them. And they’re afraid to be, at the same time, too much, and not enough.

As a trained IFS Practitioner, Yaniv practices welcoming all his parts. One of Yaniv’s biggest passions is to create help containers for humans to connect and express all of their parts. Their deepest being. To heal in community and help people supercharge their communication skills. And by proxy, their lives.

Yaniv is a free-bird. Currently baseless and traveling the world. With a mission to spread the tools of Authentic Relating and IFS to communities everywhere. He believes that adversity and conflict can be used as tools for deeper connection, and combined with awareness and integration of our parts, we can cultivate more and more of our inherent wholeness, and offer our unique gifts to a world in dire need for them. You can follow Yaniv’s Shenanigans on Instagram at @Yaniv_Rose_ 

And shoot him an email at  [email protected]

Sophie Yates

Sophie is passionate about supporting people to connect with themselves and each other. Having grown up in a culture where mind takes precedence over body, she struggled with feelings of emptiness and disconnection. Today Sophie is a firm believer in the body’s inherent intelligence and envisions a future where relational skills are taught as an essential part of our upbringing.

Sophie takes particular interest in the normalised traumas of privilege, notably healing from whiteness and boarding school, and is curious about how patterns of domination and submission play out in our day-to-day lives and language, as well as the link between voice and sexuality. A certified holistic health coach and trainee of integrative psychotherapy and counselling, Sophie enjoys working with a variety of creative modes and media and is based in London, UK.

Arne Drews

Since being a teenager Arne has been with questions like “What becomes possible when we dare to be ourselves with each other?” and “What does it take to navigate conflict well and let our togetherness be a celebration of life?” Over the years of exploring all kinds of practices his heart made a jump when he first stumbled upon Authentic Relating.

Now he’s passionately weaving it into the greater fabric of his life. He loves the aliveness and the ease that it brings and takes great joy in facilitating it for others.
For him it is a practice of freedom that complements his path as a lover of life, a connection weaver, an infinitely curious being, facilitator and educator.

Currently living in a tiny hamlet in northern Germany he enjoys a deep sense of belonging to the rich nature around his house, where he also offers a blend of nature-based life-coaching and Gestalt therapy.

Ash Witham

Based in Los Angeles, Ash has trained in various movement, communication, and connection methods around the globe for 10+ years. Her formal education at UCLA, Authentic Relating Facilitator & Course Leader certification through ART International, Level-Up Coaching Certification, and continued research in embodiment, interpersonal development, and relational and emotional alchemy–all inform her craft of rich experiences for authentic expression and full-spectrum intimacy.

From co-founding Shadow Academy, to launching the first retreat to combine Authentic Relating and Contact Improv (ARCI), to regular immersions and 1:1 coaching–each of her offerings weave in wisdom from shadow work, attachment theory, inner child reclamation, relatefulness, emotional intelligence, liberation, identity, and awareness of choice for personal power and alignment.

Ash’s creations are here as an arena for us to play into transformation: to disrupt the status quo, welcome more of ourselves, practice courageous vulnerability, deepen self-awareness, and expand our capacity for attuned intimacy. She believes in providing this kindling to ignite connection in the world. /@alchemy.with.ash

Wies Heiner

Being an empowering trainer and facilitator, Wies is renowned for her vibrant energy, insatiable curiosity, and infectious enthusiasm. Inclusivity is a core value close to her heart, and she effortlessly puts people at ease with her warm and playful personality. Simultaneously, Wies emanates strength, stability, and a sense of security, creating a supportive environment for everyone she encounters.

Wies is the proud Co-Founder of Be Touched Community. She hosts and facilitates workshops & events in the realms of Authentic Relating, Human Connection, Intimacy and Sensuality. Be Touched offers a safe haven where stories are shared, vulnerabilities are cherished and true connection can manifest.

Curious? Connect with Wies via @betouchedcommunity or reach out via [email protected]

Evan Joblin

As an eclectic “Renaissance Man” with a passion for both authentic connection and creative self-expression, Evan has pursued a multifaceted leadership journey weaving together a number of interests and skill sets, in service of cultivating stronger minds, bodies, spirits, and communities, from the inside out.

Prior to completing his L4 Facilitator journey with ART International, Evan has pursued studies and certifications in creative writing at the University of Pennsylvania, herbal medicine in Israel, yoga in both the United States and Kenya, and Five Element (Ecstatic) Dance on a tropical Thai island. In addition to his endeavors in the “embodied practices” realm and ongoing travel adventures, Evan is a working freelance artist and enthusiastic musician on a mission to help make this world a little bit better than he found it. Curious to connect? Send him a message at [email protected].

Racheli Yardeni

Passionate about living a fully expressed, aware, and loving life, Racheli loves bringing people together to explore and empower deep authenticity and intimacy.

A forever student of life, she finds inspiration and great teachings from exploring her inner landscape, dancing, nature’s divine intelligence, and consciousness expanding healing modalities.

She has developed her own conscious communication trainings in the Middle East for teenagers, has been creating community around Authentic Relating in New York City since 2022, and continues to expand in her work and offerings!

Aly Khan

My name is Aly Khan and I am a co-founder of Brave Earth, a Center for Applied Cultural Transition. This includes a healing center, community, and regenerative farm located in the RainForest of Costa Rica.

I spent over a decade in the finance industry and was disillusioned by the neoliberal capitalist system. I have reprioritized my life energy to focus on being in solidarity to Gaia and contributing to systems of change. This includes helping humanity remember how to connect to themselves, others and to source.

Over the last seven years at Brave Earth, I have led many functions including build and finance, and co-led operations, programming and permaculture. In the past decade, I have done extensive training with the Peruvian Shipibo lineage, Reiki, Ayurveda, and Authentic Relating.

After nearly 10 years of apprenticing and practicing IPSALU Kriya Tantra, I am now an Ipsalu Level 1 Cobra Breath teacher. I am deeply honored and excited to guide this course and share ancient wisdom that has helped me grow and connect. I am also now an ART L4 graduate. My passion is around merging Kriya Tantra and AR in a connected magical experience.