Level 3: Leadership

February 8-14, 2025

San Isidro de Peñas Blacas, San Ramón, Costa Rica

Do you want to experience what’s possible when you bring your whole self into connection, community, and leadership?

Will you be a part of this epic gathering?

2024 Costa Rica, Level 3

Welcome to Level 3: Leadership

The ART of Leadership

February 8 -14, 2025 | San Isidro de Peñas Blancas, San Ramón, Costa Rica

A 7-day deep dive into human consciousness, providing the insights and skills to lead and facilitate transformation in groups, organizations, and communities.

The Level 3: Leadership course is designed for graduates of our Level 1 and 2 courses to deeply immerse in the practice of authentic relating within a community of practitioners committed to cultivating themselves as relational leaders and embodied catalysts of cultural transformation. 

The advanced skills and practices in this training will support you to be on your tender edge where healing, growth and sustainable change happens, all while resourcing yourself in the profound power of human connection and the nourishment of nature.

Part leadership training, part connection laboratory, and part initiatory experience, this week will support you in the unique ways you desire to engage in and contribute to this world. From clarifying your vision and purpose, to facilitating transformational events, to being the embodiment of this work as a gift and inspiration for those you relate to in your life.

Who is this for?

A diverse group of participants thrive in our Level 3 course, including those who simply can’t get enough of Authentic Relating, leaders seeking to integrate relational principles into their current roles, and facilitators and healers who are eager to deepen their embodiment of authentic relating. 

the "can't get enough" Authentic Relater

This is your opportunity to immerse yourself even further in the practice you love. You’ve experienced the profound richness it brings to your life, and now you’re eager to explore more, to share it with the people you care about. In this course, you will find what you’ve been searching for – deeper connections and new depths of Authentic Relating. Join a community of kindred spirits who share your longing for meaningful connections.

The Leader

This program is designed to support you in integrating authentic relating into your current role of leadership. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a manager, a parent, or leading and organization or movement, you recognize the value of being relational, connected, and integrated in your approach. You aspire to lead from the heart while maximizing your effectiveness. Level 3 will provide you with the tools and skills to lead authentically and foster a culture of trust and connection.

the Facilitator or Healer

This training will help you fully embody your role of service. As a coach, therapist, or practitioner in the healing arts, you understand the importance of leading your clients and students with an integrated, relational way of being. Level 3 will deepen your understanding and practice of authentic relating, allowing you to bring a grounded and transformative approach to your work. If you want to go all the way, it’s a stepping stone on your path towards becoming an Authentic Relating Certified Facilitator through our Level 4 training.

If any of these descriptions resonate with you – or perhaps you have your own unique way of being in the world that would benefit from the transformative experience of Level 3 – you are warmly welcomed to apply.

The Level 3: Leadership training is a transformative program that combines cutting-edge training tools and practices. Led by our Senior Course Leaders along with a team of mentors sourced from our Level 4 Certification program, the Level 3 training supports participants to step into self leadership, carving an authentic and connected path forward in the diverse aspects of their personal and professional lives. 

Please note that acceptance into the Leadership Course is by application only. Graduation from our Level 2 course is a prerequisite for this training. 

During this immersive training, you can expect to:

  • Embody authentic relating at a profound level, where it becomes second nature – like speaking a language or playing an instrument effortlessly. You’ll release the structures that were once necessary and learn to flow freely with the practice
  • Cultivate profound self-awareness and insight. Develop the ability to identify and articulate your personal experiences in the present moment, while gaining the tools to navigate unconscious patterns, habits, projections, and stories.
  • Acquire a powerful toolkit of practices to create contexts of deep human connection across various social domains. You’ll be empowered to invite and enroll others into these transformative spaces, fostering genuine and authentic connections.
  • Discover a clear sense of purpose and mission in the world. Through expertly facilitated practices and leveraging the group field, we will help you reflect upon and embody your essential values. Allowing you to align your leadership with authenticity and purpose.
  • Develop your capacity to facilitate relational spaces, cultivating coherence, trust, and shared perspective. You’ll gain the ability to name the unspoken and create a container for collective growth and transformation.
  • Embark on a profound journey of living and breathing Authentic Relating alongside our staff and fellow participants. You’ll forge deep connections and contribute to the cultivation of a strong sense of community.

Throughout the course, you’ll have various opportunities to step into leadership and facilitation. Our Course Leaders, mentors, and fellow participants will provide valuable guidance and feedback, supporting your growth and development as an authentic leader. Together, we will lovingly explore and uncover any blind spots, distorted frames of thinking, or limiting beliefs, creating a new context of empowered and transformative leadership.

Level 3: The ART of Leadership invites you to expand your authentic relating practice, deepen your self-awareness, and step into your role as a relational leader and catalyst for cultural transformation. Join us on this transformative journey as we co-create a world of profound connection, genuine leadership, and lasting change.

Your Course Leaders

Level 3 is led by our most senior and experienced Course Leaders. Read more about Dayna and Chris here.

Dayna Seraye, Senior Course Leader

Christopher Gray, Senior Course Leader


  • Beautiful accommodations in a world-class retreat setting
  • Welcome day before the course (February 8) and Integration day after the course (February 14)
  • Seven days of transformation, experiential learning, conscious community, and deep, soulful relational work
  • Organic and locally-sourced, mostly plant-based meals prepared 3x daily (with snacks, coffee & tea)
  • Access to the beautiful grounds and land surrounding the retreat center

The Venue - Brave Earth (Tierra Valiente)

Brave Earth (Tierra Valiente) is a burgeoning community, regenerative farm, and healing arts center based in northern Costa Rica. Here amidst the jungle, thermal pools and cloud forest, they are exploring new and ancient ways of living. Their mission is to create a new type of model, a living laboratory, in service to regeneration that is decentralized, resilient and replicable. Their vision to help create a network of communities around the world that are united through shared values in order to create a more unified global field.

They believe it requires bravery to step out of the traditional constructs of globalized monoculture and step into alternative systems grounded in the reality of what is possible when we align ourselves to the wisdom and power of Nature.

Watch their video to learn more about what Brave Earth has to offer, or check out their website for more information on this gorgeous transformational oasis. We are so looking forward to gathering there for The ART of Leadership in March!

Accomodation & shared spaces

Brave Earth’s rooms are inspired by Nature’s design and are created to be spaces that invite deep rest, rejuvenation and connection. Each space has something unique to offer. Their guest rooms are built with different building modalities and materials such as AirCrete and locally-sourced wood, bamboo and clay. Earth walls, floors and natural materials give the space a very grounding feeling, inspiring a deep stillness. Intentional use of organic forms, materials and textures inspire the senses to connect to nature. 

Their shared spaces are where we communally gather and are designed to feel symbiotic with the environment in which we are embedded. Gather under the mango tree in the garden, enjoy the outdoor fire pit, share songs and stories under the stars. 


Rumi’s Kitchen is a communal dining space, and is also known as the heart of the center. This is where we will gather to share mostly plant-based meals that are lovingly prepared from the organic fruits and vegetables grown on the land or sourced from local farmers; eggs, cheese and fish will be available at some meals. The dining area is connected to an open kitchen and the food-growing gardens creating an intentional link with where the food comes from, the preparation of food and the enjoyment of their nourishing meals.


The Maloca is the central gathering space and is considered the soul of the center. Crafted with intention using sacred proportions and organic materials, this space is both grounding and activating. The central fire sits directly below the octagonal opening that spirals the energy in the structure upwards. This opening welcomes starlight and moonbeams during the night and sunlight during the day. Within the earthen floors is the sacred geometric shape of the Merkaba, the alchemical symbol for union and balance. Copper, a conductor of energy, is inlaid in these wooden strips as well as surrounding the perimeter of the structure to ground the energy into the Earth.

Course Details

By Application Only

To create the most potent group field, we ask that all interested prospective participants go through the application process. This is to get a better sense of where you are in your leadership path and carefully determine if the Level 3 course is a good fit for you and for the group as a whole. 

Integration Calls

To support your integration from our week together, we will have 2 optional integration calls for our Level 3 community as we transition back into our lives. These calls will take place in the time zone conducive to the course location and will be announced by the end of the Level 3 training.

The ART Leadership Community

As a graduate you will be joining hundreds of fellow Level 3 graduates around the world. A beautiful, tight-knit, conscious and relational network of humans dedicated to living the work in their lives and gifts. You will also be enriched with new and meaningful friendships and connections. Level 3 cohorts of the past have stayed in touch for years (and counting) after their program ended.

Tuition, food & lodging


  • Shared Room: $3275 USD (sharing with one or two others)
  • Private Room: $3825 USD (limited availability)


  • Shared Room: $3575 USD (sharing with one or two others)
  • Private Room: $4125 USD (limited availability)

All prices listed are per person and in USD.

Early Bird seats are limited and confirmed on a first come, first served basis to the first 6 conformed participants. Early Bird seats are secured only by the submission of a deposit once an applicant has been accepted onto the training.

Please note that there are 5 different room types and they all vary in size, shape, design, and style. Private rooming options are limited.

We have a small number of concessional seats available for people who may need financial support. Scholarship offers are awarded on a rolling basis until all funds are allocated. Scholarships offers are decided using our scholarship intentions which you can find here. We advise you to apply early. 

*Please noteScholarship requests will only be considered for those who have also filled out a Level 3 application form and have been approved for the training prior to the deadline. We advise you to apply early to allow plenty of time.

Apply for the Level 3: Leadership

Please note that acceptance into the Leadership Course is by application only.
Graduation from our Level 1 & Level 2 courses is a prerequisite for this training. 

Schedule an Exploratory Call with an ART Facilitator

If you aren’t quite sure that you’re ready to apply or you just have some questions and want to learn a little more about the program, this is a great place to start!

Fill out this short form to express interest in the program and one of our course leaders will be in touch with you soon, Together, we can explore whether this program is a good fit for you. We look forward to connecting with you!