Embodiment Edition

If our lived experience happens through the body, then so does how we relate to ourselves, others and our environment.

In this training we will delve into the infinite world of embodiment- of feeling deeply, moving freely and expressing openly. 

Welcome to Level 1: Foundations - Embodiment Edition

Our flagship authentic relating course has introduced the foundational tools and skills of this life changing practice to thousands of people around the world. The course is designed to make the learning of authentic relating as accessible, adoptable, practical, and engaging as possible, so that graduates can apply their new skills to their lives right away with immediate results.

We’ve designed this course to give you the experience of profound connection, intimacy, trust, and aliveness with anyone you want, anytime, anywhere – all within just two days (or six weeks for our online course). The tools and skills we teach work across all social contexts, from the workplace to the living room, from strangers to partners and everyone in between.

Our experienced Course Leaders expertly guide you through a curriculum that strongly emphasizes embodied and experiential learning. This is not a lecture or seminar – it is a deep dive full-immersion training that will leave you enlivened, heart and mind-opened, and deeply connected to yourself and others.

We’ve delivered the same Level 1 Course to spiritual seekers in Bali, jail inmates in Colorado, executives in New York City, and men and women from all across the social, cultural, economic, and political spectrum, of all ages and nationalities, in almost 50 locations on four continents. Universally, participants report profound and lasting transformation in all aspects of their lives. The course speaks in the shared language of human connection, and is designed specifically to include everyone in the practice of Authentic Relating, no matter what path they’ve traveled in life.

We believe that we all have the capacity to be bridges – between parts of ourselves, ourselves with others, and together with the world. The course’s mission is to build bridges, and use our bridges to heal, connect, and co-create a more enlivened, awakened world – together.

Embodiment Edition - Course Description

If our lived experience happens through the body, then so does how we relate to ourselves, others and our environment. In this training we will delve into the infinite world of embodiment- of feeling deeply, moving freely and expressing openly. This course is for those who want depth, intimacy and aliveness in their relationships with themselves, others and the world. Each session will include an embodied meditation, movement explorations and of course, the heart of the ART material. 

WHY: Embodied Authentic Relating?

Because, authenticity (truth, wisdom, intuition) lives in the body. Relationship happens, body to body (as a meeting through our senses that all live in the body). We express through the body. Our gesture, posture, movement and tone amount to more than 80% of our communication, most of which is not in our conscious awareness. So if we want to be more real, more ourselves in relationship, if we want to learn to understand what others are sharing with us, and if we want to better understand what we are communicating versus what we want to be communicating- then it all begins with entering the landscape of the body.

HOW: A reclamation of presence

  • Resourcing and Anchoring- establishing inner and outer support to create a sense of safety for yourself (and others) so you can stay in your body and in the experience of the moment
  • Sensing- Remembering the language of the senses
  • Feeling- Staying with the freshly forming felt sense, tracking its movement within the body
  • Action- Moving authentic impulse out into the world through aligned action (could be in conversation with another etc)

How is this different from a "regular" authentic Relating Training

More movement, more conversation around non-verbal communication, and emphasizing the body’s expression as the authentic self.

The Level 1 course includes skills and practices in these areas:

  • The ability to engage in deep, meaningful, soulful conversations with anyone, anytime, anywhere
  • A powerful language and skill-set to accurately and transparently express your authentic experience in real time, and to invite others to do the same
  • The awareness to identify your true, core desires, and the ability to articulate them to others
  • A profound understanding of the dignity of speaking your authentic voice, and the humility of using your eyes and ears to pay attention to – and learn from – the people and world around you
  • The ability to see and reflect the essential being in others, and to gently guide them into a space in which they can be fully, wholly themselves – one of the greatest gifts we can offer each other
  • A complete set of powerful tools to de-escalate conflict and to use conflict as a vehicle leading to deeper connection, understanding, and empathy
  • A restored connection to childlike genuine curiosity, and a perspective that regards the world with awe and wonder
  • The ability to set powerful context at both the personal and collective levels, and a clear understanding of how influential context is in informing our experience of life
  • An experience of profoundly vulnerable, intimate, beautiful connections with other participants that will leave you inspired, delighted, and heart-opened

This course has helped me find a deeper connection to my true self. A True self that always been here but couldnt express is fully. Now I feel I got the tools for expressing myself to the world more genuine and with love. Its a beutiful practice that I will continue practice whole my life. Thank you!

— Christian, Level 1 Embodiment Edition

When registering: 

All course registration closes up to 24 hours in advance of the course start. Please sign up before this time to ensure that your order is processed and you are enrolled on the course.

The Level 1 Online course includes:
  • Six 3-hour sessions once per week for six weeks in a row
  • Multiple time zones to accommodate all geographic locations

Upcoming Courses

Level 1 Embodied Edition – Los Angeles, California – March 29 & 30, 2025

March 29 -
March 30

Registration Open

Level 1 – Bay Area, California – April 5 & 6

April 5 -
April 6

Registration Open

Level 1 Online Embodiment Edition – Europe & Asia – Tuesday, April 8, 2025 (HC 2024)

April 8 -
May 13

Registration Open

Level 1 Online Embodied Edition – US & Europe – Thursday, June 12, 2025 (HC 2024)

June 12 -
July 17

Registration Open

Do you want more fulling relationships with yourself and others?

To be able to turn conflict to connection, have confidence in expressing what’s on your heart, and create relatable spaces where others truly understand and connect with you?

Join our mailing list and receive our life changing relationship tools: 

The Five Practices of Authentic Relating for free.

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