ART is taking a holiday break and will be unavailable from Dec 24 – Jan 2

(as we take our own advice to slow down after a busy season)

Advanced Shadow Academy

Has it ever felt like life keeps doling out the same lessons, over and over?

Have you noticed certain people or situations are consistently challenging, set you off, and even trigger a particular response in you?

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung

Welcome to

Shadow Academy

Next Academy Starts: Thursday February 17th, 2022
1 session/week for 4 weeks (online)

Session Dates:  (Thursdays) February 17, 24, March 3, 10
Session Times: 9 – 11:30am PST / 6-8:30pm CET (check your time zone here)

Course Description

Carl Jung referred to the part of ourselves that we unconsciously act from and create repeating loops in our lives or reoccurring struggle, as the shadow self. The shadow self is often that which we deny, distort or repress within ourselves, yet is alive and active in our everyday lives.

Though we may effort to keep these parts of ourselves separate from our identity–they nevertheless are–leaving us unable to welcome and integrate ourselves into wholeness. The existence of Shadow can be acknowledged as simply human, as it is most often that patterned reactions are developed in response to pain, hardship or trauma in order to serve and protect us.

But what if this strategy no longer best serves us?

What if we can now make more conscious decisions, and respond instead of react to life?

Shadow Academy is a group process designed to bring insight into our hidden nature and impulses, so that we may integrate rather than repress aspects of ourselves. We’ll use the wisdom of the group and the fundamental practices of Authentic Relating to bring the unconscious into consciousness. 

As a graduate of the Shadow Academy course, you will:

  • Learn what the shadow self is and how to recognize it in action
  • Individually acknowledge, connect to, and integrate the shadow self
  • Build our capacity to identify in real time why some people or situations generate emotional ‘charge’ in the form of intense emotions, stress, avoidance or anxiety
  • Slow Down in patterns and develop strategies to better manage charged reactions
  • Welcome the shadow self also as an ally, so that we may integrate these aspects or ourselves rather than eradicate them
  • Practice releasing debilitating ideas of ‘types’ of people or situations that stress or upset us
  • Acquire insights into the extraordinary power of “being with”, so that we may develop deeper, more whole relationships with ourselves and others

Armed with the power of welcoming, curiosity, dignity, humility, and the core concepts of Authentic Relating, we may support one another in a moment on our individual journeys of self acceptance and expansion into what it means to be human together. 

Join facilitators, Chris Gray and Ash Witham in January 2022 for four 2.5-hour sessions via Zoom
1 session per week for 4 weeks.

Session Dates:  (Thursdays) February 17, 24, March 3, 10

Session Times: 9 – 11:30am PST / 6-8:30pm CET (check your time zone here)

Subscribe for updates on the current and future cohorts of the Shadow Academy

Course Leaders

Christopher gray

Christopher is a course leader of The ART of Being Human, Levels 1 & 2, as well as the Authentic Leadership Program (ALP). He’s spent 20 years in the software world as a leader in educational technology, most recently at Facebook. During that time, Christopher has also been doing extensive work supporting people struggling with alcoholism, substance abuse, and codependency. Since discovering and immersing himself in the practice of Authentic Relating, he’s transitioned to coaching and working with ART to bring this transformative, humanizing practice to the world. He teaches Bikram yoga, and, most importantly, is from New Jersey.

Ash Witham

Nomadic since 2017 with roots in Los Angeles, Ash utilizes cross-cultural and interdisciplinary influences to craft rich experiences for embodied expression and authentic connection. Her formal education at UCLA awarded her a BA with honors in Fine Art and minor in Education—but it is her commitment to continuously discovering what it means to be human and dedicated research in interpersonal communication, the psychology of we, The Power of Vulnerability, and Authentic Relating—that has most impacted her life’s calling. Ash’s offerings range from workshops, retreats, to 1:1 coaching, all designed to break us out of social programming, welcome all parts of the self, and lift into realms of vulnerability, expanded empathy, attuned self-awareness, and unveiled identity—all in service of being with, and feeling more whole.

Five percent of all ART International profits are donated to Realness Project (RP), ART International’s sister organization and 501(c)3 nonprofit, bringing authentic relating training to jails, prisons and schools. ​