ART Global Gathering
AUGUST 18 - 22 , 2021
The First Ever Global Gathering of the ART Community
The ART Global Gathering 2021 is a five-day gathering (Aug. 18-22) filled with celebration, co-creation, connection and transformation. This first-ever global gathering will bring together the ART community to create an unforgettable experience.

The Level 3 which took place in Denmark in 2020 left us yearning to experience more spaces where we come together as a community and co-create deeply transformational experiences through connection. And so, the idea for the ART Global Gathering was born!
We would like to warmly invite you to the first ever gathering of the ART tribe! The intention is to co-create a playground of common language and intention, where we can explore relational practices and share our personal gifts in the form of unique workshops.
All ART graduates from any course are welcome to attend!
The Countdown to ART Global Gathering
How it Started
The level 3 in Denmark in October 2020 was a phenomenal incubator.
The co-created interpretation of the content gave us an opportunity to blossom in a very unique way. We each crafted a one-hour workshop focused specifically on something we deeply care about. That co-created input resulted in sessions that were very personal and transformational for both the creator, facilitator and all the participants.
We want to re-create that experience with more ART graduates by inviting our participants to come and create a session reflecting their individual passions and motivations in life.

Photo by Nuno Catharina Pedersen
The Venue
Our playground for this first ART Global Gathering is a summer camp set on the beautiful Swedish coast-line and surrounded by a natural reservoir. The camp is large enough to host a community of 150 participants.
Venue Features
- Spacious workshop spaces
- An ART room where creations and paint can find their freest expression
- Canoes for our use during our entire stay; feel free to explore ideas as to how they can be used in some of our activities (treasure hunts, little explorations of the island in the middle of the lake, etc.)
The Program
Wednesday, August 18
Arrival from 16h, settling-in, co-creating our playground. We dine together, meet old friends and new.
Thursday, August 19
Opening Circle, followed by several workshops aimed to serve as a Foundational Refresh. A gentle and soft landing in the space we start co-creating together.
Friday, August 20
A magical unfolding of your gifts in the form of various workshops. An opportunity to step into embodied leadership, share your inner universe and dreams through a workshop you’ve conceived and will be able prototype in real life.
Saturday, August 21
A magical unfolding of your gifts in the form of various workshops. An opportunity to step into embodied leadership, share your inner universe and dreams through a workshop you’ve conceived and will be able prototype in real life.
Saturday Evening
A celebration of the joy that it is to be in connection in person. A sober party co-created by all the participants.
Sunday, August 22
Closing circle, harvests, feedback. Celebratory Lunch. Packing and cleaning of the premises. Departure at 4pm.
Book your spot today!
Registration FAQs
Please read all conditions and policies prior to booking
- Accommodation on site
- Three meals per day (various dietary needs will be covered)
- Use of the canoes on site
Transport to and from the location should be arranged privately. We will however facilitate communication regarding carpooling between participants. The location can be easily reached by public transport or by car. We will arrange pickups at the nearest station.
Which is the closest airport to the venue?
We suggest flying in any of the Stockholm airports and then traveling down south either by car or train. The nearest train station to the venue where the Global Gathering will be held is Norrköping Centralstation.
Financial difficulties should not prevent you from joining this special event. Please reach out to us so that we can find a solution together. We are flexible and allow a payment plan in instalments which we agree upon together with you and should be carried out so that the entire fee is paid out 30 days prior to the event. Reach out to us by email.
Yes. Graduates from the ART Level 3 course will receive a discount for the event which is equal to the Early Bird discount. Instructions for a discount will be sent to Level 3 Graduates via email once the Early Bird offer expires. However, please note that certain accommodation types are in very limited numbers (single and double rooms).
Refunds are not available due to the organising costs. However, if you’re unable to attend, you may transfer your spot to someone else provided they fulfil the conditions for participating in this event :
- They are an ART graduate (have completed an ART International course). Please note they have ample time to join and complete a Level 1 course before the Global Gathering is held. Check out our Website section under courses, Level 1.
They are accompanying a graduate who is registered at this event
To transfer your membership, you may advertise it in the Facebook event, and contact us in case we have a waiting list of interested participants. All transfers should be communicated to us no later than August 15. Send us an email and include the contact details of the person who will be taking your spot. We are not responsible for any financial aspects involved in transfers of memberships and kindly ask you to transfer the membership for no more than what you paid for it.
In the event that we have to cancel this gathering due to Covid-related restrictions issued by the Swedish Government, the following policy will apply:
- 75% of your ticket’s value will be refunded.
- The remaining 25% will help us to cover non-refundable costs we incur in organising this event.
However the equivalent of the 25% of your ticket value can be used as credit towards booking any Level 1 or 2 course (non-cumulative with other discounts or campaigns) or you can choose to roll over that value for the next Global Gathering.
What happens if the Swedish Government restricts the maximum number of people that can gather?
If the Swedish government imposes a limit on gathering for that period in time (example: should gatherings be limited to 50 or 100 persons), we intend to still host the event up to the number of participants allowed, and will give priority by chronological order of bookings.
The venue is a small village and has ample space for all aspects of interaction, including serving food and dining, so if necessary, we will be able to host two groups of 50 and organise ourselves logistically to accommodate any necessary preventive measures.
For other questions, please email us at events@
Accommodation Types
Special EARLY BIRD pricing shown in parenthesis. Early Bird prices will be available until April 15
Bed in the Villa
(shared rooms w/ 4 beds)
$600 ($565)
The villa offers comfortable accommodation with: sauna, meeting room, conference / dining room with stove, kitchen, as well as toilets and showers.
The house has nine rooms with four beds in each room,a total of 36 beds.
Bed in a Cottage
(shared rooms w/ up to 8 beds)
$485 ($445)
The cottages are set on the hill with a view of the sea. There are 8 cottages with 8-beds each. Toilets and showers are located in a separate building.
Two additional rooms with the same standard as the cottages are located separately in a converted barn.
$400 ($365)
We have a limited number of spaces for tents (although they will be spread around the big camping ground to allow for some privacy), and therefore ask you to bring a regular size tent (2-person tent).
Private Room
If you are interested in this option, please write to us at events@