Free Community Circles
Free community gatherings to stay connected
Twice per week - every week
Here at ART, we want to offer everyone a way to feel connected with others, to offer support to and be supported by conscious community, to be introduced to the life-changing practice of authentic relating and learn some of its most applicable skills and tools, and to have some guidance in how we can experience the best of authentic connection with others in our shared spaces.
To meet these needs and do our part to nurture connection, we’re excited to continue our online community gathering series – ART Community Circles – with twice as many calls as last year and timed to accommodate all world time zones.
These circles are and will always be completely free and open to everyone – bring your friends, family members, colleagues, and other humans!
Led by our facilitators-in-training (Level 4 participants), these online community gatherings offer:
- A space to be fully welcomed and heard, to share what you’re feeling, noticing, and experiencing in your ongoing life and world
- An introduction to and experience of authentic relating, along with skills and tools you can use in your day-to-day relationships right away to cultivate deep, nourishing, intimate and enlivening connections with everyone
- Connection exercises with other people from around the world, to support you in getting a regular dose of nourishing authentic connection (proven to support the immune system among other benefits!)
- Takeaway games, conversations, and exercises you can share and practice with others in your life
Join the next gathering: twice per week, every week
Gathering schedule
US/Canada & Asia/Australia – Wednesdays @ 6pm US Pacific Time
*Note: This circle is Thursday mornings if you’re joining us from Asia or Australia.US/Canada & Europe – Fridays @ 9am US Pacific Time
ARTland is our global online community. The platform consolidates our community’s offerings in one place, with ever-expanding opportunities to connect and practice with other ART community members from around the world.
*Note: Once you’ve joined, you will find the Community Circles in the events section. You will be receiving ART news and updates upon registration. You can unsubscribe any time.
Do you want more fulfilling relationships with yourself and others?
To be able to turn conflict into connection, have confidence in expressing what’s on your heart, and create relationships with deeper trust, intimacy and understanding?
Join our mailing list and receive our life changing relationship tools:
The Five Practices of Authentic Relating for free.