Authentic Relating for Inmates at Boulder County Jail

I just had the incredible privilege of delivering our ART International Level 1 Authentic Relating course to a dozen inmates at the Boulder County Jail recently. I can’t even begin to describe the depths of vulnerability, the courage and honesty, the heartfelt love and soulful beauty of these men that I got to experience… so […]

Welcome Everything

“The world is perfect as it is, including my desire to change it.”– Ram Dass Welcoming everything is an authentic relating concept that many people find easy to grasp but incredibly hard to master. We don’t expect anyone to be able to fully achieve the ability to truly welcome everything, but even the intention of […]

The Three Levels of Conversation

The three levels of conversation represent a map of intimacy in connection with others, and are a useful tool to identify the level of conversation, and to guide a conversation toward deeper levels to cultivate more connection and intimacy between ourselves and others. The levels apply across all social domains and relational contexts – at work, in the home, in community, and in the general public.